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Student Program in APCChE 2019

Student Program - Research Proposal on SDGs from Youth

APCChE 2019主辦單位徵求國內學生於Student program 組織會議議程;詳細資訊可見於

請國內相關學校、系所鼓勵學生參與 Student Program in APCChE 2019。


Date: September 23, 2019 (Open for Public)

Organizers: Suguru Noda (Waseda Univ.), Mitsuo Yamamoto (Univ. Tokyo), Satoko Fujioka (Keio Univ.)

The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) have been adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015 with their 17 goals and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. To encourage students’challenge to this initiative, the Student Program will be held on 23 September. Please refer to the files below for details and start preparing proposal groups and concepts. Submission details will be posted later. Deadline will be May 31, 2019.