

2024 女科技人大會 

WiST Convention, Taiwan

多元共融 共榮互好
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Well Being

2024/3/9 (Saturday)
09:50-17:10 國立成功大學 迅慧講堂
官網 https://wist2024.etop.org.tw/
報名連結(中文) https://reurl.cc/M4j5nk
Registration form (English) https://reurl.cc/13kXeG


2024年女科技人大會的主題為「多元共融 共榮互好」,鏈結女性科技人,發揮影響力,提昇本國的科技性別平等。我們誠摯地邀請您一同參與,共創美好未來。

The advances in science and technology of Taiwan have been well recognized internationally. The participation of female scientists/technologists is still very less. Nevertheless, they have gradually exerted their influences in the STEM fields and become the role model of female leadership. To encourage more girls and women to join the STEM pipeline, establishment of gender-friendly learning and working environments as well as diverse and inclusive team works is a global trend.

In 2024, the theme of Women in Science and Technology Convention (WiST) is "Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Well Being". We wish to connect female scientists and technologists to improve gender equality in STEM pipeline in Taiwan. We sincerely invite you to join the 2024 WiST for a better future.