
第17屆APIEMS (APIEMS 2016)

第17屆Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2016) 將於今年12月7-10日假台北福華飯店盛大舉行。此會議為每年亞太地區之重點學術會議,歡迎踴躍投稿共襄盛舉。活動相關問題請洽大會秘書處: apiems2016@gmail.com,活動官網: http://apiems2016.conf.tw/site/page.aspx?pid=901&sid=1087&lang=en

The 17thAPIEMS conference, the premier industrial engineering and management systems conference in the Asia Pacific region will be held in Taipei, Taiwan. It is the forum for exchange of ideas and discussion among leading experts from academia, industry, and government on the latest developments. It aims to seek opportunities for collaboration among the participants as well as to promote excellence among the fields. We cordially welcome paper submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit abstract or full papers electronically through the conference management system.

Important Dates
May 1, 2016--Deadline for Abstract Submission
June 1, 2016--Abstract Acceptance Notification
July 1, 2016--Full Paper Submission
August 1, 2016--Acceptance Announcement
September 1, 2016--Deadline for Final Full Paper Submission
October 1, 2016--Deadline for Early Registration

For any further information and inquiry, please contact the conference secretariat at apiems2016@gmail.com.